“Those who control their anger and are
forgiving toward mankind. Verily, Allah
loves those
who do good” (Aal Imran: 134)
Anger in itself is not a negative
emotion. In some ways it can actually serve a positive purpose. If there
wasn’t any anger there would be a lot of injustice, zulm in the world. You need to have some anger to fight injustice.
You need to have some anger to fight for human dignity. You need to have some anger
to fight for human rights. So this is normal healthy anger. This positive anger is called courage.Courage is a mix of two states – anger + piety/righteousness. That’s positive and controlled anger. That’s the keyword –
controlled anger.
And when you have something that’s negative anger, which is called
rage, this is what pulls up and you can’t control yourself. Like in America
you call this road rage. In Pakistan when someone’s car bumps another on the
streets, the insults that pours forth at the time--this is a rage when you
can’t control it, someone does something small to you but you feel like
blasting that person into smithereens. They come up, even physical fighting
takes place, sometimes it can even lead to murder.Anger in itself has a spectrum – both negative &
positive. But we’re going to focus on negative anger, anger which leads to rage
and negative things.
Anger for the sake of Allah:
There’s a hadith that jo nafrat kartey hain, bughuz rakhte hain,
ghussa kartey hain (Those who hold grudge, have malice and get angry) for the sake of Allah—this is a type
of imaan. And that’s why you have to
have some type of anger in you, natural, healthy, controlled anger, in order to
fight zulm, in order to fight
oppression, and this is why in many many Hadith you’ll see, the Prophet SAW had anger but his anger was
never for any personal reason. If it
was anger, it was:
1. Controlled
2. For the sake of Islam. It was for the sake of something bigger, for the sake of Allah
What we’re going to focus
on is negative anger, anger that
ruins people’s lives, and causes people’s own lives to be difficult as well as
the lives of people around them.
Quranic Verses regarding anger:
— “Those who control/ drink their anger
(ghayzh)” (aal Imran: 134)
The word in Quran Sharif is غيظ: غ. then , ى then . ظSo this is one word that is translated as anger in English.
Another verse:
— “When they are angry (ghadab), they
forgive” (Shura: 37)
The word here is غضب,
also in Urdu. So these are two different words, and there’s a slight difference
between the two:
Ghayz and Ghazab
is when you
have anger, but your niyyat isn’t to
express it or take revenge. You can’t even express it, you can’t act upon
is that anger which has a niyyat, an iraada
that I’m going to act upon this anger, I’m going to take revenge.
Sometimes a person has anger but they
can’t do anything about it, they can’t say anything about it because they’re in a weaker position. That will be
called غيظ.
And غضب is that your niyyat is that I’m going to hit back, I’m going to
hurt the person or do something to the person. I’m going to take an action based on this anger.
And when Allah Ta’ala’s
anger is mentioned in Quran, the word غضب is used. When Allah Ta’ala’s angry, Allah Ta’ala’s anger is going to come out in some form.
Dog’s Analogy
So the Quran doesn’t abolish anger altogether, we learn in a sense
how to train our anger. And the
scholars described anger as a dog. This
can be found in books; that an angry person is like a dog, that anger itself is
like a dog. Sometimes dogs have this habit of barking at everything that moves.
Even a car passes by, they start barking at the car. So some people are like
that; they have to vent their anger at everything; they just have to express
their anger. So this habit is like a barking dog.
Another type of person is a trained dog; that is what comes in use,
a hunting dog, or a dog for security.It is kept with an object in mind and is used
for a purpose. So anger has to be trained. Just like an untrained dog can cause
problems, and if it is trained it can be
useful. Usually, what happens is
that if a person is asked whether they get angry, they say no, no, I’m not an angry
person. Every spiritual disease of the
heart has symptoms. Just like a physical disease, if a person is asked, are you
sick? And he says I have a runny nose, I have a cough, I have a headache – if you
have some disease, there are always some symptoms.
Quick Check: Do you have negative anger?
— Are you always scolding
your kids/servants/students/employees?
— Do people complain about your temper?
— Does your husband/parent/sibling call you bad-tempered?
— Do you make rash decisions?
— Do you quickly become negative about others?
— Are you quick to become angry and slow to calm down?
— Ahadith:
▪A man asked the
Prophet, “Advise me.” Prophet (pbuh)
said, “Do not become angry.” Three times.
▪Someone asked, “What is the worst thing one can receive from
Allah?” The Prophet responded, “His
Wrath.” Then, the man asked, “How do we
avoid it?” The Prophet said, “Do not
become angry.
This is a beautiful thing; basically
we see our relationship with Allah S.W.T is reciprocal, it is very similar, if
you don't want Allah to be angry with you, you should not be angry with other
people. If you want Allah Ta’ala to be forgiving to you, you should be more
forgiving to other people. There are many ahadith like this one, Prophet s.a.w once
said, meaning of which is that those
people who cover faults of the fellow
muslims, Allah Ta'ala will cover their faults on the Day of Judgment. So if
you want Allah S.W.T to hide your faults cover you should cover the faults of
other people.
So this is the relationship we have
with Allah S.W.T which is very much reciprocal. Be soft with others, don’t be
angry with others if you want Allah Swt to be Merciful towards you. So this
also shows that anger is detrimental to our spiritual growth as well.
Negative Anger_ A sign of Weakness
Some scholars have actually said that anger shows weakness. In
child psychology ,when you hit children it shows that you have lost; it shows
that now you have lost the battle, so those who gets angry quickly often are
in a weaker position, so anger comes out to compensate.
People have written that people who are sick, they are angrier more often than a person who is well; and when a person is old they tend to become angrier than when a person is healthy, and Women
also have the tendency to become more angry than men since they are in a weaker
position. So you see in a weaker position anger comes out to compensate for
weakness; so sometimes being angry shows weakness, it does not show strength.
This is also a way that is destructive for our personal growth and
this leads to a lot of problems ; such as divorce, which is always given in
anger, and later you regret that action done in anger. So being angry often
leads a person to be remorseful, being regretful of the decisions they made and
the actions they took.
● “Anger is from Shaitan, and Shaitan is made from the fire.”
So if you look at anger, by nature it is something garam, hot; and so it is when the person
becomes angry they start becoming warm, raging, boiling. You see the words we
use show heat, and even medically when a person becomes angry blood pressure
increases, face becomes warm; this is because that anger is made from the fire,
shaytaan is made from fire.
● “Verily, anger ruins iman just as aloe ruins honey.”
Aloe is like a bitter herb, so anger ruins Iman just like aloe
ruins honey, so our Iman is being compared to Honey, and Anger is something
that is bitter. It will destroy us spiritually. When we are really angry, it
ruins our own state, our own peace of mind.
We can’t go to sleep; we feel unwell; we are in a situation that
we feel bad, and the person we are angry with is feeling fine, but our heart is
suffering. And sooner or later it starts affecting us biologically--high blood
pressure, heart disease, tension, anxiety, these problems, it even affects the
way we look!
We start getting affected physically, a person who is happy, they
look optimistic, they look fresh, their skin is good. And a person who is angry
all the time, that anger comes out and they develop a bitter expression, their
face becomes bitter; even when they smile, it doesn’t looks like a person who
is happy, it looks like a person is constantly in anger. So anger is something
that ruins a person spiritually, it ruins a person emotionally, it ruins us
from inside out.
— “Strength is not throwing someone to the ground, but strong is
that person who can control his nafs when he is angry.”
This is again showing that when a person can control their nafs,
can control their anger, that shows strength, that shows that they’re strong. And when a person can’t control their anger,
that shows weakness.
A pehelwan is like a
wrestler, a strong person so in Islam, its spiritual. A real pehelwan is not someone who can just
wrestle somebody and knock somebody off the ground, a real strong person is who
- you control your anger, when you’re angry. And this is the situation when you
can even release your anger, you can do something to make life bad for that
person, you can do something, you can vent your anger, but still you control
your anger, this shows that you’re strong. That I could’ve done something but I
decided to control it. And that situation shows the strength of a person, it
shows the emotional strength, it shows the spiritual strength of that person.
Anger Control
Anger of Rasool Allah s.a.w
The Prophet s.a.w had the best anger
control. 100% anger control, but nonetheless he(s.a.w) said, : “I
get angry the way humans get angry, [but in this anger my tongue only speaks
the truth.]”
And this is something amazing, when
you read the Ahadith,you are amazed by the way that Prophet s.a.w was treated
and even more by the way he(s.a.w) responded to that. Sometimes baddu, desert people, would come and
they would say Muhammad, Ya Muhammad, they’d stop and sometimes they would be
very rude, they would tell him that we want this and that, why do you not give
it to us?
Now if people like us had this
experience, they would look down upon these people. They’d push that person
away, or give them, a little piece of their mind. But the Prophet (s.a.w)
always dealt with them in such a very sweet and gentle way. He would give
guidance and naseeha to the Bedouins.
The Prophet s.a.w is still saying, ‘ I also get angry, but I control it.’ I
have full, 100% control on this anger. So Prophet s.a.w was a strong person –
strong emotionally, strong spiritually.
Anger of regular people
With regular people, this anger can
lead to family problems, social problems. And this is the scary
part –we do understand how it causes family problem, like a person, they have
issues, their husband is always angry, the mother is always angry, the sibling
is always angry, it causes inter-personal problems, this happens, right?,Issues
in the house.. BUT how can it lead to disbelief?
How anger leads to disbelief
Sometimes when a person is so angry,
they’re so angry, they get angry with Allah Ta’Ala, they get angry with the Prophet(s.a.w),
they get angry with Islam, they get angry with themselves. If in that
situation, somebody tells them something deeni, gives some naseeha that
‘Brother, don’t do this, this isn’t right’ etc, And they would reply, ‘keep
your deen with you, I don’t know such things’ , ‘ Keep your Islam to yourself’
and ‘I don’t care’ etc .What is this? When they say things like this, this
anger is actually leading them to Kufr, to disbelief.
They are saying things that they
really don’t mean but they are saying it. So this is very dangerous. In a
situation when you have a person who is angry and you feel that if they will
say something bad against the Prophet saw, against Allah, against you, then
don’t add fuel to the fire. Don’t say something that would make them utter
something wrong about Deen in their rage.
Ujub and Takabbur
Ujub is like self conceit and vanity. It means being very
egotistical. Thinking about self only, that I am very great or I am the best. A
person who is ego centric. A person whose whole life is about them. Not
necessarily a person who has a lot of pride but they are self centered.
Takabbur is in a person who actually acts on that pride. They treat other
people worse. Thinking that I am better and these people are worse than me. So
when you have takabbur and someone makes you angry then you will get angry
because you will say that why did you say that to me? What right do you have to
say that to me? I am the brother you are the daughter. I am in this position
you are in this position. When you have takabbur, you think you are better than
other people, you are better than so and so, when that person does something
that is not befitting, then this becomes a reason/sabab for anger.
Teasing and mocking
Sometimes it’s all good, it’s all play. But often you see that if
a fight starts it starts because of this. Somebody didn’t like to be teased or
mocked in a certain way and often you see that in families, in brothers and
sisters, it started off all as a joke. So you have to be careful. Islam has
also shown us the way of how you joke. That whenever you joke you should never
Joking of the Prophet (s.a.w)
Prophet saw did joke, he had a sense of humor. When you read those
Ahadith that once a person asked Prophet saw for a camel so he replied that I
will give you a camel’s child. The person said: O Prophet saw what would I do
with a camel’s child? He replied that every camel is the child of his mother.
He answered by playing on words.
It is not an Islamic way of joking to tease and lie, to joke and
lie or to hurt someone’s feelings. in it. Negative teasing or mocking can be a
cause of anger if a person doesn’t like it.
This is often a big reason. When a person basically does not like
anything bad said about them. When a person is humble, he does not resent
crticism. You will take it as a positive feedback. And you will think that it
is good for me. And this is something you see in the lives of Sahaba Karaam(RA)
Once Hazrat Umar r.a
said,‘whoever brings to me the gift of my
weaknesses, I will make dua-e-maghfirat for him. ‘
This is a very big thing. If someone was going to talk to us that
I am your friend. I am going to tell you that you have this problem, you have
this problem, you don’t do this right, and you have this problem. You should
change the way you are. We would say “Who are you to speak to us in such a
manner?” We will get angry. Who are you to say this to me? And we can’t take
criticism. All we want is that people praise us.
But a person who is humble and actually wants to improve, they
will take it positively. But sometimes our zarf is very small, we don’t want to
take criticism – we want people to praise us, right? So when you don’t want
criticism and you hate criticism, then this is a cause for anger.
Desire and Hirs
Another is desire and hirs
- hirs can be negative – it means wanting
something that you can’t get, wanting something
that you can’t afford.
Some people stand there, like kids whining that Mama, we want this
or that thing, and she’ll say no no this is too much for us, we can’t afford
this, then the child gets upset and angry that why can’t I get this, I want
this. So this is something, hirs also
leads to anger.
And then another way hirs
or desire - that’s why I put both of them - that sometimes you want something
to go a certain way, and when things don’t go the way you plan – you get angry.
And this is very natural. It happens many times, that we plan to do things in a
certain way, in a certain time frame, planning to do something at some
particular time, and then something goes wrong, or someone shows up unexpectedly
at the house, now they just came by and we needed to do something but we can’t
tell that look I wanted to get this
thing done by this time, and inside we would start getting angry that our whole
plan got ruined due to this person, this woman etc. This is just to show an
example how our desires can lead to anger.
What to do in such circumstance?:
And now what you can do - in your heart you’re secretly angry at
that person, thinking that I made this plan and now it’s getting disturbed. But
they didn’t know, they just came by. So in that situation, you should just
think that ok, this is Taqdeer. This
is what’s meant to be. When you can’t control the situation, to ACCEPT that I
can’t control it – this is one way to diffuse the anger. But when we get angry that
we wanted certain thing to go certain way but it did not, then this also leads
a person to get angry.
person who has envy, who has hasad for somebody else, they will have anger too.
They will think; why did he/she get this thing; why didn’t I get it?
will lead to anger. And sometimes we are not angry at that person so much, but
we are angry at ourselves and sometimes ,worse, we are angry at Allah Ta’ala. In reality, we are showing anger towards
Allah Swt! Because it is Allah Swt
Who blessed X,Y,Z with some blessing which we didn’t want them to get.
is such a big disease, sometimes it is so deep that a person can be angry
towards someone else, and sometimes angry towards Allah swt, angry towards the
whole world.
anger can eat someone up so much inside, that one’s spirituality, one’s heart,
one’s personality undergoes a complete change. There are some people who are
really nice but when they become angry, they seem a different person
altogether. This shows that anger is something that can even really change your
personality. It can make a really nice person a very vicious person. So
it is very important to control your anger.
Signs-How do you know you are angry?
1. No talking
it happens that you say that no, I am not angry, but you are. So how can you
tell if you are angry or someone else is angry with you? And these are very
natural things. When you are angry with someone and someone else is angry with
you, there’s no talking. There is no exchange of Salaam, no conversation. It
shows in your speech. When you are angry with someone, it comes out the way you
talk , the way you express yourself.
is a Hadith that once Prophet s.a.w
was sitting with Hazrat Ayesha, and he was in a very good mood. He had a very
loving relationship with her, a very frank relationship. He said to Hazrat Ayesha
r.a that O Ayesha, I know that you are angry with me. Hazrat Ayesha asked: how
do you know this? The Prophet s.a.w replied that when you are not angry with
me, when you are fine with me, you are happy with me, you say wa rabbi Muhammad(I swear by Muhammad’s Rabb).
And when you are angry you say Wa
Rabbi Ibrahim( I swear by Ibrahim’s Rabb). So this shows that you are not
happy about something. So Hazrat Ayesha then smiled, laughed and responded that
I just leave your name, I don’t leave you.
So this shows that when a person is
angry, it comes out. It comes out in their expression, the way they talk, the
way they act, the way they look. When you are angry with someone, you don’t
look that person in the eye. We say that this person should not come before us.
I get high blood pressure when I see that person. I don’t want to see that
person. I don’t want to look at that person. I don’t want to hear about that
person. And we are so used to it that we look people in the eye.
Personal Experience
One time in one class I remember,
there was one girl who was sitting to one side of me. And I was teaching,
teaching and teaching. After class she came up to me, and asked are you angry
with me? I said, no. She said you didn’t look at me the whole class.
So not looking someone shows that you
are angry with them.
Backbiting (Gheebat)
This is one of the biggest signs. You don’t do gheebat of people
you love, people you like. You do gheebat of those whom you don’t like , people
you are angry with. You want to backbite about them. You want to find faults
about them. And you like to do this. This is sign of your anger with somebody
when you try to find faults and bad things to say about that person.
Telling the secrets of others
Others’ secrets are an amaanat(trust). Vioalating this trust is
also a tell tale sign that someone is angry. Once Hazrat Jaafar Bin Sadiq (ra) gave a naseehat to Muslims that if you
want to make someone your friend, do this test. Tell that person a secret, and
then make him angry. Then see if he tells your secret to other people? Or does
he not tell your secret. If he doesn’t tell your secret, make him your friend.
And if he tells your secret, don’t make him your friend.
So if a person is angry with somebody and you start telling their
secrets—that she did this a year ago, she told me this a year ago, that shows
that your are angry with that person and you are not being a good friend.
Anger is something that opens you up.
So many problems arise from this one emotion. That’s why it’s so important, so
necessary to control it. Else you are just regretting the mistakes you made in
anger. What your tongue said, what your tongue did in that state of anger.
What does keena mean? It means you are angry with someone from
inside, you are upset with them, but you don’t let it surface and hence you
become their hidden enemy. Someone says to you that I have had this or that
good news, I got into this school or got this. Outside you are like Oh Wow,
MashaAllah Mubarik. And inside you are like upset. You are acting like you are
a friend. You are smiling outside but
burning inside. This is keena.
You become a hidden enemy. You have this malice against this person but you
don’t let it be known. This is also a sign of anger.
v Ten
Stages of Anger
First you feel anger as a slight
feeling, then it slowly starts to manifest itself. People start noticing that you are in a bad mood, you are not
looking, you are not talking. You are backbiting about that person, you are
telling some secrets about that person.
The highest stage, the 10th stage, the final stage is fighting. This
is what you do. Two sisters start out digging up all the bad things that the
other did, and the last thing is they
are fighting. Physical fighting. So this is the highest degree.
Inside, you went through all nine
stages, but the final manifestation is external. Sometimes it’s physical,
sometimes verbal. With a husband and wife, it’s usually verbal. Sometimes,
husbands beat their wives; this is an international problem and not limited to
Muslims. Sometimes, even some wives are abusive towards their husbands.
Sometimes it ends in hitting children. There’s even a Hadith about it, that if
hit your child, don’t do it in the state of anger and do it for punishment.
And never slap the child on the face.
Hit the bottom of the body, hit the side of the body, but not the face. Even if
you are doing it for punishment, it has restrictions and limits. This will only
happen when you know how to control your anger. If you control your anger, you
will say ok I will hit, but I will hit according to the regulations of Islam.
You are angry at the kid you feel
smacking on the face, you still hit on the back or you think that I will cool
down, talk to her and find a proper punishment. So these are the ways a mother
or people can generally handle anger.
remedies – what can you do when you are in a
state of anger.
Be quiet: this is the best and most effective
remedy but it is also the hardest. When you are angry you want everything
to come out but you should still be quiet. This is the best and the automatic
way to diffuse the situation. Basically, the solution is to handle the situation – to diffuse
it. Valve is about to explode but instead of adding fuel to the fire you
diffuse it. When there is a fight, it is between two people, it is like a tug
of war and if one person lets go the tug of war will end. They are both pulling,
one is pulling from one side the other is doing from the other side.
Sooner or later the rope is going to break or someone is going to fall. The
best thing is to become quiet so that the tug of war ends.
is a joke about this that once there was this woman who went to an elder and
said that there is a lot of fighting in the house so tell me what should I
recite? Give me any wazifa. He gave
her a piece of paper and folded it and said that whenever a fight starts at
your place, place the paper in your mouth. So she went home with it and about a
week later she came back and said that I don’t know what wazifa you told me but since the time you have given me this we
hardly have any fights at home.
2. To change location
This comes
in hadith that Prophet saw said that
when a person is angry so if he is angry he should sit down if he is sitting
down he should lie down. Changing position physically and the wisdom behind
this according to some scholars is that when a person is closer to the ground
they are more humble so by changing position, one would come closer to the
ground , and hopefully come closer to humility.
scholars have also said that if that doesn’t help then you should change
location in the sense that if you are in one place you should go to another. If
you are in one room you should go to the other room. If you can, then leave the
house. If you’re outside then come inside and vice versa. Even if you can, then
just go to the bathroom.
someone is angry at you and you are controlling and controlling and you know
you might say something in return but the other person is not letting you go
and asking you to stay and listen. Then just say that I have to go to the
bathroom. Go there and do wudhu(ablution) – it’s the next thing.
3. Do wudhu
is made out of fire and water extinguishes it. It’s like heat in the body, when
you use water and splash it on your face,
you’ll cool down.
4. Pray namaz
is someone who still has anger and it is not dying then pray any namaz or two
rakat nafal. Pray any namaz and after namaz put your face in sajdah and make
dua that ya Allah! Take this anger away from me.
are the ways in which you can eliminate/ end/ control your anger. Sometimes a
person can get so angry that they do not know what they are saying so you need
to diffuse the situation and give yourself a space so that you can have a
reality check.
it happens that if two people are fighting and a third person comes or a phone
comes in between then you come and say what was it that we were fighting about?
It gives them a space, you change your location or you pause for a moment – it
will automatically diffuse the anger.
And often you see that anger starts with a small thing. When you have
some break, when your calm down you will realize that this is a small issue.
Becoming Forgiving
One way to control a person’s anger is to learn how to become more forgiving
towards all of mankind, not just Muslims, everybody. Allah Ta’ala loves those
who are good; in Arabic it’s Muhsineen:
those who are of beautiful character, beautiful deeds. So this is a part of
good ikhlaq, part of good deeds.
Sometimes we think good deeds are just praying, fasting, giving Zakat, actually
managing anger is also a good deed.
So if a person does it in the proper way, it can actually be a neki.
remedies: What can you say when you are in the state of anger?
1. Saying ta’wwuz
is a hadith that Prophet (saw) saw a man who was very angry to the extent that
his face was red and Prophet (saw) said that I know a phrase that if he says
it, his anger would cool down and he (saw) said: Aaozuu Billah hi minashayitaan
niraajeem. So saying ta’wwuz. Saying that I seek refuge in Allah from shaytaan.
Either because of shaytan or because of shaytani influences, you are in anger.
for some of us our anger is too strong and it wont be controlled by this remedy
alone. Therefore you have to do active remedies as well.
2. Saying la hawla wala quwata
this you are seeking strength and power from Allah swt. Not to just say it once
but to say it several times, repeatedly and consciously.
3. Durood
It comes in Quran that those who send durood on Prophet saw, Allah
swt sends mercies on them. He sends down angels of mercy on them. If Allah
swt’s mercy will come then your anger will go away.
It comes that in earlier times in Arab culture if two people were
fighting on any street or some shop, the people used to say “Sali – Muhammad
(saw)” that send durood on Prophet saw that the anger will cool down. This is
also a source of mercy.
Remedies: This is what a person should think when in the state of anger.
1. You should think about the anger and
mercy of Allah swt
you are really angry then think that what this person did, this person made a
mistake now on this mistake I am getting so angry. I have also made mistakes
and if Allah swt decides to be angry at me just like I am at this person then
what would happen to me! To ponder that what is the wrath of Allah swt. And
think that I want Allah’s mercy on me then I have to show mercy and be
forgiving towards others.
It comes in hadith that the person who shows mercy on others, Allah swt will
show mercy on them as well on the day of Judgement.
There is another hadith that once Prophet saw passed by a man and he was hitting his
servant because he had made a mistake. Prophet saw not only stopped him from
doing so but also explained to him that Allah swt has more ikhtayar(right) over
you than you have over this person. Don’t think that you are his master, think
that you are someone’s servant and if Allah swt gets angry with you then what
would happen.
2. Think that you are abd(slave) of
that you are someone’s ghulam, you are someone’s servant and that if Allah(swt)
becomes angry with you what would happen then?So we should always remember that
we are the ghulam of Allah.
There is another Hadith where the Prophet (S.A.W.W) said that whoever quickly controls
his anger, on the day of Judgment Allah will protect him from HIS anger; that he
will be protected from the anger of Allah (swt).
So these are the spiritual benefits of controlling your anger.
Examples of our Pious Predecessors
Something a person can actively think
when they become angry: Pick somebody who you think has everything in control, who
you think is the perfect example of spiritual, emotional development. Knowing
the stories of Prophets(AS)and the Sahaba Karam (RA) also help.
When you know the lives of great Muslims,
these are sources of inspiration and sometimes when you read them you feel like
they are too extreme. But then, sometimes we are at another extreme, so by
looking at their extreme, may be we will become moderate .They had such lack of
anger or they had such control on anger that one is amazed that they are
actually humans.
Life of RasuAllah (s.a.w)
Look at the life of Prophet (S.A.W)--13th
years of persecution ,13th years of boycott. All his children were affected
of this persecution to the extent one of them even passed away because of this
persecution. Hazrat Zainab(R.A), she
passed away due to an injury she suffered at the hands of people of
Makkah. Yet,after fatah-e-Makkah(Conquest of Makkah) what did he say? The Prophet
(S.A.W.W) went to them and said that I will treat you as my brothers as Yusuf
(A.S) treated his brothers.
Keys of Kaabah
Another famous event after
Fatah-e-Makkah was that the Khana-e-Kaabah at the time was locked and the key
of lock was kept by a person named Usman ,who was not a Muslim. So at that
point when Prophet (S.A.W) came, he first of all went to the Kaabah, and asked
Usman for the key. He opened the door, He went inside to pray namaz. So you can
imagine Hazrat Ali (R.A) , Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) ,Hazrat Usman (R.A) ,Hazrat
Umar ( R.A) are all waiting outside. Everyone is thinking that he will be made
the keeper of the key. When a person usually has power he give the important positions
to his friends. That is usually how the world works.
And the Prophet(S.A.W.W) comes out and he says to Usman, that do
you remember when I was leaving Makkah Mukarma and I didn’t know when I was going
to come back to the city ,to my home ,to my birth place( and Prophet (S.A.W.W)
loved the Khaana Kaabah) and I came to Khana Kaabah to pray and I came and I
saw you and I said Usman, let me go and pray in the Kabah before I go. And
Usman at that time said to him ‘No.’ He refused to Prophet (S.A.W.W). And the
Prophet (S.A.W) said that ‘O Usman, a day will come that I will be in your
position and you will be in my position. ‘
And at that time (on the occasion of Fatah Makkah) Prophet
(S.A.W.W) said that Usman, that day has come. But now I am not going to do to
you what you did to me, I am going to forgive you. And he gave the keys back to
Usman, who then became a Muslim .The keys of Kaabah are in the possession of
the family of this Usman(ra).
So sometimes we feel such anger that we think that when I am in
power I will take everything from the other person.We have this in our lives
but the Prophet (S.A.W.W) didn’t do that-- he controlled his anger and when you
control your anger you win people over .Usman(RA) then became ghulam of Prophet
Waaqiya/story of Hazrat Ali
Hazrat Ali (R.A) was in a battle, and when you are in battle your
friends are dying in front of you, to the left and to the right. So he is
fighting with somebody, and he overcomes that person he took out his sword to
kill that disbeliever and what happened that at that moment that person spits
on the face of Hazrat Ali (R.A).
Now, if anyone did this to us, we will slap that person ,we will
be upset with them; if we had a gun we would maybe have fired it right away. Hazrat
Ali at that moment--this is Anger control-- at that moment took back his sword
and said I am not going to kill you and that person was shocked, that you’re
not going to kill me, I just spat on your face. Hazrat Ali (R.A) said no
because if I will kill you now ,I will kill you for my own personal reasons, I
wouldn’t kill you for the sake of Allah. Before this I would have killed you
for the sake of Allah but not now. So much anger control, so much control over oneself.
This is the beauty through which Islam spread. That person became Muslim and
who knows how many other people he must have converted to Islam.
So the more we control anger, the more
we benefit ourselves, and the more beneficial we are to the rest of society.
Waqiah of Hazrat Salman Farsi R.A.
Once someone criticized him, that you
are unjust, You are this, you are a bad person. And Hazrat Suleman Farsi(RA)
responded that ‘if on the day of Judgment, Allah swt showered me with His
Mercy, then your taunts will mean nothing to me’_ He was looking at the big
picture_ ‘On the other hand, if I get angry; it’s going to hurt me, it is not
going to hurt you.’
Waaqiah of Hazrat Abdullah ibn Masood
Once someone robbed him. We get angry that
someone robbed us. Someone said to him, why are you not getting angry that
someone robbed you? He said if he stole out of need, I will forgive him. If he
stole out of some malicious intent, then I will make dua that this would be his
last sin. What we do is that we begin giving bad-dua(cursing) from the very
Roomi) r.a)'s example
Once a man said to Maulana Rumi(r.a) that if
you say one thing to me, I am going to say ten things in return. He was showing
his anger. Maulana Rumi (r.a) simply and humbly replied that ‘ Even if you say
thousand things to me, I would not say even single thing to you!’ This shows
how much control he had over his anger. So what he’s saying is that ‘I’m not going
to be affected.’ SubhanAllah
And that’s something when a person is angry
with us, or when we’re angry with somebody else, we want to escalate, we want
to do something, we want something to happen. But this is one way to diffuse
that we simply reply, ‘I’m a humble, what can I say.’ And to make dua for that
person, to try to get a reality check and actively control the situation.
There are many benefits of anger control which
are very obvious, we should take from Quran and Hadis:
1) Iman and Sakoon in the heart. The one who keeps their anger in
control, their Imaan progresses and they have peace in their hearts. Acting on
anger robs one’s peace. It is when we swallow anger, that we experience peace
within ourselves. And there’s a hadith
that the
best thing to swallow in the eyes of Allah Swt is anger when a person could
have acted on it. Another hadith
mentions that a person will be called on the day of judgement and granted an early entrance into Jannah because they
controlled their anger even though they were in a position to act upon it.
2) Allah swt will stop His punishment from reaching that person - a
person who controls their anger – on the day of Judgment.
May Allah swt Grant all of us the ability to
implement this in our lives. A number of people are in the stage that they
learn how to control their anger, the more you do it at a young age, the easier
it becomes. The more you let it go, let it go, let it go, anger is something
that will kill you on the inside. Like a silent killer. It will spiritually,
silently kill you. Controlling anger makes Life easier, dealing with people
becomes easier—so we need to control these emotions. May Allah swt Grant us the
ability to implement whatever we’ve read.
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