day in which neither wealth nor children shall be of any benefit, except one
who comes to Allah with a sound heart” (al-Shu’ara:88-89)
Spiritual Components of a Human
Allah swt has put in a
human being four things. Human being broadly speaking is made up of two things:
1. A jasad and a jism, a physical body.
2. A ruh, our spiritual selves.
Within the ruh a person
is made up of three things:
Qalb (spiritual heart/ seat of emotions)
Aql (intellect)
Nafs (desires)
Qalb _seat of emotions
Qalb is our spiritual
heart, and that is the seat of our
emotions and our feelings eg Love. Our jazbaat, our kayfiyaat, our ahwaal. All
of our emotions and feelings reside and dwell in and emanate from and come from
our qalb.
Nafs_seat of desires
A person’s nafs is the seat of their desires,
their appetite, their lust, their carnal self.
Aql_seat of thoughts
And aql is the seat of a
person’s thoughts, khayaalaat, of a person’s afkaar. Or sometimes in Arabic we
call it khawaatir. All the thoughts
and musings that occur to a person reside in that person’s aql and mind.
What is the center of human conscience?
Western philosophy
— According to most modern science and Western
philosophies, focal point of change is the BRAIN
and Intellectual development.
— Intellectual development -> More you
nourish the mind, more a person will change positively
Islamic philosophy
● According to Islam,thoughts (of the Aql)
and Desires (of the Nafs) are products of the Heart and so the focal point of change is the HEART and Spiritual development of the
heart .
● Spiritual development of the
heart ->More you nourish the heart, more a person will change positively
In this whole system
Allaah swt has made the qalb like the
controller room. The qalb will dominate and the aql and the nafs will
follow the qalb. What does that mean?
è if you have good
emotions and feelings in your heart ,this will lead to good desires and
è And if you have bad emotions and feelings in your heart , you will have bad desires
and bad thoughts.
®Example of BAD EMOTIONS
Heart has – let’s say love for this world,
Nafs: Then they will have desires on that basis. They
will desire:
more and more of the
status, this rank, this
prestige, this wealth
Mind: They will think of ways to accumulate wealth! Even
in their salah they will be thinking about these things.
®Example of GOOD
Heart has love for Allaah swt, then their desires will be accordingly.
Nafs: They will desire:
to please Allaah swt,
to worship Allaah swt,
to obey Allaah swt.
desire to be hafiz(memorizer
of Quran) / an ‘aalim(scholar) /aarif /muttaqi /saabir /shaakir / wali of
Allaah swt .
This is because they have the feeling of love for Allaah swt in
their heart.
Aql: Their thoughts and planning will be to achieve these desires.
Going to Makkah Mukarrama,
Going to Madinah Munawwara,
All the time thinking
about things related to their beloved, thinking about things about that which
they love in their heart. Things related to the love of Allah swt.
The aql is a fascinating
thing. Allaah swt has made our mind and our aql in such a way that it is always
thinking. Your nafs may not always be desiring , but the aql is always
thinking. Always processing some thought or the other.
‘sometimes I get bad
thoughts in my mind, sinful thoughts ,fantasies, imaginations, will I be accounted for it?’
Teachings of the deen of islam on this is that the initial thought
that occurs to a person – that is not sinful. They will not be punished or
called to account, or they will not earn the displeasure of Allah swt, due to
the spark of a thought.
What we will be accountable for is when we dwell on those thoughts. Or like we call it in English, we let
a whole train of thought
We take a blade of
grass, and we make a whole mountain out of it.
That is what is sinful. So to have a thought
occur to you is not a sin, but to focus on that thought, dwell on that thought,
build up that whole thought, rumination, imagination, fantasizing, all of that
is a sin.
So the more and more we
purify our heart, the more and more we would have purified our mind. That is
why some of our mashaaikh say in urdu,
Fikr ki
gandagi dhikr ki paabandagi se door hoti hai.
Impure thoughts will
only be purged from our mind when we become regular and focused in the remembrance
of Allah swt in our heart.
If there is any young
man or woman who feels that she has this illness of these thoughts, she also
needs to purify her heart. And if she can purify her heart, then her thoughts
will be automatically purified.
Either a person can
1. a pure and pristine heart or
2. a purified heart.
There are two ways to
have a qalbun saleem(pure,sound
1. brand new white board which a black marker never
2. Or a white board that has been wiped clean after
a lot of marking have been made on it, but every time the markings were made it
has been erased.
And by the time they
come before Allaah swt they have a pure purified heart. They bring to Allaah
swt a qalbun saleem. So it means that Allaah swt told us in the Quraan al
kareem, it means that each and every one of us have been given a goal and
objective, a mission, a vision for our life – and that is to have a qalbun saleem,
that is to have a pure heart.
Every single human being has to bring to Allah
swt a pure heart.
Bringing to Allah a qalbun saleem is not nafl ,
is not mustahab, it is not optional – it is fard al-ayn. It is absolutely mandatory on each and every one of us
to purify our hearts.
AYAH: “A day in which neither wealth nor
children shall be of any benefit, except one who comes to Allah with a sound
heart” (al-Shu’ara:88-89)
Allah swt said,illaa! No
one will be successful except only and only ‘that person’ who brings to Allaah
a pure and untainted heart.
We are people who desperately
need to learn how to purify our hearts. Because Allah swt is only going to accept a 100% pure heart.
Would you accept mineral
water in which just a drop of filth got mixed? No, we would not accept it.
Would you accept a
stained fruit? No.
è Then what makes us think Allah swt is going to give us Jannat, His eternal radha, ridhwanun
minAllaah,His pleasure to that heart which is impure, which is tainted, and
which is stained. So that means each and every one of us needs to clean our
“Indeed, there is a lump of flesh in every human. If it is sound, the whole body is sound. And, if it is corrupt, the whole body is
corrupt. verily, this piece of flesh is the heart.”
— “Did
they not have hearts with which they could understand (ya`qiloon) or
ears with which they could hear. Indeed,
it was not the eyes that had turned blind, but the hearts in their chests had
turned blind.” (al-Hajj:46)
— “A
long period passed upon them and their hearts became hard.” (al-Hadeed: 57)
— “Allah
Placed over their hearts a covering that they may not understand and in their
ears [He Placed] deafness.” (Al-An`aam:
— Nay,
rather rust has covered their hearts because of what they used to do.” (al-Mutafifeen: 14)
Now, there are three
different types of hearts that a person may have. Every human being has one of
the three types of hearts!
1)Qalb e Mayyit (Dead
2)Qalb e Mareedh
(Diseased Heart)
3) Qalb e Saleem (Sound
Qalb al-mayyit
There are five types of
people who have this dead heart.
1. Human being who denies the existence of Allah swt.
Who does not believe in Allah swt. This in Arabic is called a mulhid,
called an atheist, agnostic. They are the same as far as Islam is concerned.
Because, anything other than a yes is a
Atheist is a person who says there is no Allah.
Agnostic is that person who says, I don’t know if there is an Allah
or not.
Fa man shaa’a fal-yu’min
wa man shaa’a fal-yakfur
‘Thus who so ever wills may believe and
who so ever wills may deny.’
There is no middle ground. Anything other than a yes is a no. So
the first type of human with a qalb al-mayyit is that person who denies Allaah
2. Second type of person with a qalb al-mayyit is
that person who says that I believe in God, but I don’t believe in religion.
This is their own way of explaining this in English. So they have a secular
humanist liberal concept of the divine being, and they say I believe in God but
I don’t believe in formal organized religion.
what it really means is that:
I don’t believe in Nabiyye Kareem (sws)
I don’t believe in the Qur’aan,
3. The third person is he who believes in multiple
Gods, called a mushrik.
4. The fourth person is he who says he believes
with their tongue, but actually in their heart they are an atheist. That person
is called a munaafiq.
5. This one is the scariest. Fifth type of person
who has a qalbe mayyit is a mo’min! A mo’min
who has allowed himself to become extremely distant from Allah swt. A
mo’min who has abandoned
all ibaadaat, all
all itaa`aat ,all
stopped saving him or
herself from sin.
is a qalb al-mayyit?
has a qalb, every human being has a spiritual heart, but that spiritual heart
is dead. What is does it mean for it to be dead, it can no longer fulfill its ability. Like if you say a piece of my
skin is dead, it means that it cannot regenerate. If you say hair follicle is
dead it means it doesn’t grow hair.
the qalb is dead it doesn’t mean it is absent. It is present but it no longer
does what it was supposed to do. What it no longer does is it no longer feels,
it no longer has the firaasaat, it no
long has the baseerat(insight), no
longer has the ability to recognize,
to be aware of Allah swt. It does not have the ability to recognize or be aware
of Allah swt.
‘And pursue not that of
which Thou hast no knowledge; for every act of hearing, or of seeing or of
(feeling in) the heart will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning).’
the fu’aad is the core of our heart,
it is that part of our spiritual heart that is able to perceive the existence
of Allah swt, which is able to feel the love for Allah swt.
‘Do they not travel through the land, so that their hearts (and minds)
may Thus learn wisdom and their ears may
Thus learn to hear? truly it is not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts
which are in their breasts that have become blind.’
blind heart, dead heart, hardened heart, these are the words Allah swt has used
in the Qur’aan al Kareem for this.
1) Follows the pleasures and desires of Nafs
That person has no longing towards Allaah
swt, no interest in the aakhirah.
All of their yearnings, longings, interests, passions, all of them
have to do with just this world, just this duniya.
And all of their efforts
are to enjoy this worldly life.
If what they want to happen happens, they become happy.
And if what they don’t want to happen happens, they become sad.
Living a life directly opposite of Qur’an and Hadith:
Qur’aan: Tell me about the one who has taken his
desire as his god ,Al-Furqan [25:43]
Hadith: ad-duniyau sijnul mo’min wa jannatul kaafir.
‘World is like a prison for the
believer and heaven(Jannah) for Kafir’
For a real mo’min, this worldly life is
unattractive like a prison because it is preventing the mo’min to meet His
Beloved, Allah swt just like prison keeps the prisoner from joining his loved
So we can’t be in love with both the world and Allah Swt at the
same time.
Qur’aan : Allah has not
made for any man two hearts in his chest cavity ,Al-Ahzab
A person feels no
hesitation in sinning.
They lose all sense of:
They sin unabashedly, openly, relentlessly, repeatedly, and
without any hesitation, without any regrets and remorse. They go to sleep in a
state of sin and wake up the next day right back up to sin. And they party the
next night harder than the night before! Because the heart has become dead. It
doesn’t realize, it doesn’t acknowledge, it doesn’t understand.
Doing a`maal al-saalih,
doing good deeds becomes a burden.
Very difficult for them to
read qur’aan,
even to make dua to
Allaah swt. They don’t need wudu for
that, they don’t need Arabic for that.
They cannot connect to
Allaah swt. Because their heart, that which was the connector, is dead.
They don’t like it when
they hear naseehat.
‘Religion is a private matter, why are you checking me? ‘
‘Who are you to tell me this?’ ‘ Who are you to judge me?’ ‘ Why
are you being so judgmental?’ These are the things they would say.
When it comes in a Hadith e Pak
al-deen un-naseeha
Deen is Naseeha.
The essence of deen, haqeeqah of deen, deen itself consists of
naseeha, good counsel good advice with true intention and a kind word. That is
what naseeha is. But they don’t like it. Because their hearts have become
‘ Thenceforth were your hearts hardened: They
became like a rock and Even worse in hardness for among rocks there are some
from which rivers gush forth; others there are which when split asunder send
forth water; and others which sink for fear of Allah and Allah is not unmindful
of what ye do.’ (Qur’aan)
Episode from the time of Hadrat Hasan Al Basri
Once a person was with Hadrat Hasan al Basri, a
famous taabi`ee, the imam of taabi`een. And the young man went to him and said,
’shaykh I am worried, make dua for me.’ The Shaykh said for what? The young man
said I am worried make dua for me, I am worried that my heart is sleeping. He
said why? The man replied,’Because when you say the words of Allaah swt, qaala
Allaahu Ta’Ala, when you say the words of the Prophet sws, qaala RasulUllaahi sws,
I don’t feel anything.’ So Hadrat Hasan al Basri said, ‘oh young man you
shouldn’t be worried that your heart is sleeping ,you should be worried that
your heart is dead.’ The man asked why? He said that if something is sleeping
and you shake it, it wakes
up. If your heart was sleeping, and I said the words of Allaah swt, the words
of the Prophet sws ,it would have shaken your qalb and woken it up. If the
words of Allaah swt and the Prophet sws have no effect on you, it means that
your heart is not sleeping, your heart is dead!
Qalb e Mareedh
Second type of qalb, second type of
spiritual heart is called the qalb
al-mareedh. The sick heart. The
diseased heart. Allah swt has mentioned this in two places in the qur’aan
al kareem.
.’ ‘..conceal not evidence; for Whoever conceals
it,- His heart is tainted with sin. and Allah knoweth all that ye do
Ithm means sin, aathim
means sinner. So here Allaah swt is mentioning clearly, that the qalb sins. The sinning heart, the qalb
al-aathim.Or the qalb al-mareez, the sick heart.
O Consorts of the Prophet! ye are not like any of the (other) women: if ye do
fear ((Allah)), be not too complacent of speech, Lest one In whose heart is a
disease should be Moved with desire: but speak ye a speech (That is) just.’
Many people don’t understand the rules and norms of gender interaction in
Islam. People think that the morality is an excuse / a waiver for spirituality.
You are unique, you are
not like other women if you adopt taqwa!
(Then Allaah swt shows them what that taqwa is. )
you should not overly soften your speech, lest it become a luring,
lest it become attractive to someone who hears it. Otherwise that person who in
their heart has a marad (disease),
they will start coveting and desiring you. Instead you should speak in a ma’roof
way, in a well known appropriate way.
So who were the Ummahaatul Mo’mineen(RA) speaking to? Sahaaba karaam(RA)!
è This ayah is telling us the norms of gender
interaction, between the greatest women
in all of humanity, and the greatest men
after the ambiyaa after the Prophets in all of humanity.
So the diseased heart is full of diseases.
Lust, desire, envy,
hatred, malice, spite ….
These emotions can
overcome a person if they are not controlled!
Affected by Company
Good with good people. And as soon as they
leave that company they see themselves changing. Weaker!
Spiritual sicknesses fluctuate:
Sometimes in control and sometimes out of control.
People who have qalb un
Mareedh are Hanging/fluctuating:
Sometimes they are
making all of the good efforts, da’wah,naseehah. And other times they are
violating basic ma’mulaat, mu’aashiraat, lying to someone, hurting someone,
oppressing someone.
Feels remorse after
committing sin
A big difference between
the qalb mayyit and mareedh is that the sick heart does feel remorse!
It is ashamed of sin,
wants to hide sins, sometimes makes Tawbah , but it keeps going back to sin
& this is another
big sign:
That this disease
keeps coming up, every few moments, minutes, hours, days . It keeps coming. Whether his disease
is of lust, envy, anger … whatever the
disease is that it keeps coming back. Keeps surfacing up. He is not able to
Cure for Qalb
un mareedh.
That person who’s
physical heart is sick, they need to get treated, they need medicine. They need
to go to a doctor. And the person whose heart is extremely sick, they need to
be admitted into the cardiology unit.
Just like that, that
person who’s spiritual heart is sick, they need medicine. They need a cure,
they need treatment. They need:
Qalb un Saleem
third type of qalb is qalbun saleem.
is the heart which is alive, that qalb which has itminaan and sukoon, peace and
bi dhikrillahi taTma’inna al-quloob!(Verily in the rememberance of Allah do
hearts find peace)
This is that qalb which
is drowned in the love for Allaah swt. Walladheena aamanu ashaddu Hubban
lillaah(And those who belive, they are extremely intense in their love for
Allah swt), that mu’min whose heart is extremely intense in the love
for Allaah swt.
This qalbun saleem has
all of the Sifaat of the mu’mineen the qur’aan. A qalb e mutawakkil, a qalbe saabir, a qalb e shaakir, aqalb e dhaakir, a qalb e khaashi`. Has all of
the Sifaat of the mu’mineen in their hearts.
aHabba lillahi wa abghaza lillah, wa aata’a lillahi wa mana` alillahi faqad istakmala
One who loves for the sake of Allah swt, and
Dislikes (someone or something) for the sake of Allah swt, and
Gives for the sake of Allah swt, and
Forbids for the sake of Allah swt
to the Hadith, such is the person who has reached perfection of Imaan.
to another hadit, those who love each other for the sake of Allah Swt, such
people will be under the shade of ‘ArshUllah on the Day of Judgment when there
will be no other shade.
dislike, repugnance, hatred for things should only be for the sake of Allah swt,
in the name of Allah swt.
è A mu’min
does not dislike an unbeliever. They dislike the kufr of the unbeliever, it’s
never personal.
1) Contentment
Alaa bi dhikrillahi taTma’inna
Such person stays pleased with the will of Allah Swt
and so lives a life of contentment and inner peace.
2) Sweetness
of Imaan
Mubarakah: There are three things which cause anyone who
takes refuge in them to taste the sweetness of Imaan;
That Allah and
His Messenger sws are more beloved to him than anything else i.e they have a
ii) That he loves a man only for the sake of Allah
iii) And
that he dislikes the thought of reverting to disbelief as much as he would
dislike being cast into the fire.
3) Love
of Allah Swt
Remembrance of Allah
AHadith e Mubarakah:
“The difference between one who remembers
Allah and the one who does not is like the living and the dead”
“Everything has a polish. And, the polish
of the heart is the Remembrance of Allah.”
Tazkiyah (Purification)
— Addressing
deep-rooted problems
“Successful are those who have purified
(their nafs) and Ruined are those who have spoiled it” (ash-Shams: 9, 10)
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